Now tmpt keje ayah dah jauh . Swear so worried dgn kesihantan ayah nt so healthy . Hurmm .. Ayah dnt wnt other people worry about him . So if dy saket pun dy buat2 sehat la . My dad was like that . Actually my dad dah three times kene stroke . and now doctor said he dnt have a chance if kene stroke lagi . So damn ! Left hand my dad is weak sejak kene stroke . Ayah everyday mkn ubt . Aku la nurse ayah . Hehe
Ayah pnt keje siang malam crik duet tk fmly . I always made my father disappointed . Myb Im nt a good daughter , but now I try to change . Thank on what you gave to me .I proud to have father like you ayah . Patience you take care of me really appreciate . God, thank give me a good father like MAT ISHAK . Aku sgt bertuah to have a dad like him .I will try nt to disappoint you .I promise to be a good daughter for you n mama .Sori all my mistakes . You are the best father . Ayah , i love you . I really really love you dad !!!